Music Teacher Appreciation Award

We'll begin accepting applications again in Spring 2025

We need more musicians & we need more music teachers.

Music for Humanity is going to support music teachers with an annual award (chosen at random). There’s nothing to buy or do except fill out the form when applications are open and stay on our email list. To qualify, you must work full or part time at an accredited school district, college or university. As donations to MFH increase, so will the annual Music Teacher Appreciation Award. Once you apply you’ll be eligible each year (provided you still work as a music teacher at an accredited institution). 

We will select the award winner at our monthly Free Performance Night at Noble Coffee Roasters in Campbell Hall NY.  To be reminded,  please click here to sign up for our email list. 

Click here to see past award winners.

"Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for Music."

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