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6th Music for Humanity Benefit Acoustic Showcase

November 4, 2022 @ 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm


This is our 6th MFH Benefit Acoustic Showcase at the Creative Compound in Honesdale PA. Each month, on the first Friday, we will invite 2-3 outstanding local/regional performers to share their music, both originals & covers. Our performers for November 4th are David Darshan (facebook.com/dadiddarshanfb), Lucas Rotman (lucasmaehararotman.com) and Poison Love (poinsonloveband.com)

We spread more music throughout the world via mostly free live performances and by supporting young aspiring musicians, who are music majors at an accredited college or university in the United States, with scholarships.

It will be a great night of music. This is a free event. We ask for donations, but if you are feeling financially stressed please join us for free & let the Music work its magic… it will. Special thanks to Louis West for hosting this concert series.


November 4, 2022
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm


Music For Humanity


Creative Compound
630 Main Street
Honesdale, PA 18431
+ Google Map
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